The National Core Indicators for Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) survey helps state agencies to learn about their own performance. A random group of persons who are receiving state services are asked for their opinions about the services they receive. Trained interviewers will travel across the state to meet with people in person to ask about Service Planning, Rights, Community Inclusion, Choice, Health and Care Coordination, Safety and Relationships.
Missouri joins 26 other states on the National Core Indicators for Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) survey.
What to Expect
Vital Research is an independent research organization contracted by Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), to conduct face-to-face interviews with individuals receiving services. If you are contacted by a Vital Research interviewer, we hope you will be willing to set up a time to meet and provide your opinions.
- Participation is voluntary.
- Your services and supports will not be affected whether you participate or not.
- All responses and information shared remain confidential.
- The face-to-face meeting takes about 30 to 45 minutes.
If you are interested in setting up an appointment convenient for you, please contact Project Coordinator Casey Stone at 888-848-2555 (toll free).
Please explore the website further for additional information and resources.