Minnesota Assisted Living and Nursing Facility
Quality of Life Surveys

  Nursing Facility Overview

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) conducts annual Resident Quality of Life Surveys and Family Satisfaction Surveys in nursing facilities to collect opinions, feedback, and personal experiences that help guide improvements to aging and disability care across Minnesota. DHS has conducted the resident survey in nursing facilities since 2005 and the family survey since 2010. DHS requires all Medicaid-certified nursing facilities to participate in annual surveys.

Vital Research

DHS contracts with Vital Research, an independent survey firm, to conduct the surveys and ensure the confidentiality of all resident and family responses. Vital Research's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Training field staff
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Providing ongoing support
  • Quality assurance monitoring

Vital Research works collaboratively with DHS throughout the entire length of the project.

Survey Schedules

Vital Research will reach out to nursing facilities between September 2024 and January 2025 to schedule interview dates and answer questions that the facilities, residents, and family members have. Nursing home resident interviews will take place October 2024 through January 2025. Family surveys will be mailed to residents' representatives from late October 2024 through March 2025.

What should I do 2 weeks before my scheduled visit?

Vital Research needs you to download the Census List Template complete the template, and upload your completed list using the secure upload link. Facilities should reach out to their data vendors for assistance with exporting the needed information from their system. Here is a list of the resident and representative information that you will need to provide in the Census List, in the order shown on the list:

  • Resident last name, resident first name, resident date of birth, resident admission date, resident room number, and if resident is short-stay.
  • Representative last name, representative first name, representative street address, representative city, representative state, representative zip code, and representative phone number.

Then, information can be pasted into the Census List Template, located on the Nursing Home Documents page of this website, and the secure Upload Link can be found on the Nursing Home Census Page.

Submit your entire resident census and representative contact list to Vital Research using the secure Upload Link, and the template provided. As a reminder, census lists and identifying information cannot be shared over email. Review for accuracy prior to submitting. Do not exclude residents for any reason, including length of stay, physical condition, or cognitive ability. Include long-stay (intended length of stay is over 30 days) and short-stay residents (intended length of stay is 30 days or less).

Would you like to know how many residents will be interviewed at your facility? View the sampling table.

What should I do 1-2 weeks before my scheduled visit?

Let your residents know that one or more interviewers from Vital Research will be at your facility asking about their opinions and feedback regarding the care they receive. View reminder poster sample. Nursing facilities are encouraged to mail an informational letter to residents' primary representatives. View sample notification materials.

What can I expect on the day of my scheduled visit?

Provide the following lists to interviewers when they arrive:

  • Residents in isolation - this information cannot be sent via email; doing so is a HIPAA violation and a data breach.
  • Residents whose legal guardian has refused participation - this information cannot be sent via email; doing so is a HIPAA violation and a data breach.

The interviewer(s) will arrive at 8:30 AM to begin interviews at 9 AM. You can facilitate the process by providing them:

  • A map of your facility (to help interviewers locate resident rooms, restrooms, etc.)
  • A schedule for the day's activities at the facility
  • A meal schedule

The interviewer(s) will work independently for most of the day. If more than one interviewer is scheduled at your facility, they will periodically meet to discuss their progress. If a Quality Assurance Mentor from Vital Research is scheduled at your facility, they will observe interviews throughout the day and meet with interviewers individually to ensure a quality interview experience for residents.

Interviewers and QAMs will be periodically observed by a Field Supervisor while at facilities.

Interviewers are required to maintain resident confidentiality, to adhere to strict policies and procedures, and to inform your facility contact when arriving and leaving. If you encounter any problems with an interviewer, please call Vital Research immediately.

How will nursing home facility results be made available?

DHS will share resident and family survey results on the Department of Human Services Nursing Facility Provider Portal as well as the Nursing Home Report Card by Summer of 2025. For assistance logging into the Provider Portal or using the Nursing Home Report Card website, please contact Teresa Lewis at Teresa.Lewis@state.mn.us or 651-431-4208.


Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to commonly asked questions about the project.