Frequenty Asked Questions
Common Question About the Project
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Minnesota Department of Health require performance measurement and public reporting for all Medicaid-certified nursing facilities. Short-Stay residents recently discharged from nursing facilities will receive a standardized survey in the mail, asking about their experience and measuring their satisfaction with facilities.
The Minnesota Department of Human Services is funding this project.
The purpose of this survey is:
- To achieve the highest quality care possible in Minnesota's nursing homes,
- To guide nursing home quality improvement efforts, and
- To provide an online public report that will help people who are looking for a nursing facility understand how the people who have stayed there feel about it. The report card is available to the public at the MN Nursing Home Report Card Website.
DHS provided Vital Research, an independent research organization, with the names of residents who stayed in a nursing home for 30 days or less and have since been discharged. Your name was included in this list.
A few weeks after mailing the survey, Vital Research will send you a reminder postcard. Vital Research may call you to complete the survey over the phone if we have not heard from you. You may decline to participate at any time.
Yes. To ensure your answers remain confidential, Vital Research uses identification numbers, not names. Vital Research never discloses the name of anyone who did or did not participate in the survey. Furthermore, response results are only reported in the aggregate (the whole) to protect the anonymity of individual respondents.
Facility ratings will be available, among other quality measures, on the MN Nursing Home Report Card Website.